Roaring Women: Isabell Šuba preps female students for the film industry

Film director Isabell Šuba, acclaimed for her feminist mockumentary Men Show Movies & Women Their Breasts and about to release her second feature film Hanni & Nanni in theaters, has worked intensively on the questions of gender equality in the film industry for many years. With Into the Wild she has now launched a mentoring program that preps female students for the start in the film business.

Filmlöwin: What gave you the idea to set up Into the Wild ?

Isabell Suba: It all began two years ago, during the 2015 Berlin Film Festival. I was invited to the film school reception and everyone kept going on about women in the industry. I just thought to myself „I’ve had enough of the talking. Something has to change. We need a program for young women directors within the film schools that raises awareness on gender issues.“ And suddenly there were 10 of us discussing this program, and if it made any sense, until eventually Susanne Stürmer, the President of the HFF, who was sceptic at first, became the strongest advocate and said „Let’s do this Suba“.


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Sophie Charlotte Rieger
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